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Infection Prevention and Control Measures in Hemodialysis

Categories: Infection Control
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About Course

The “Infection Prevention and Control Measures in Hemodialysis” course is designed to provide healthcare professionals with the essential knowledge and techniques required to prevent infections in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Hemodialysis patients are particularly vulnerable to infections due to frequent vascular access, prolonged exposure to bloodborne pathogens, and weakened immune systems. This course covers critical aspects of infection control, including proper hand hygiene, using personal protective equipment (PPE), environmental cleaning, and the disinfection of dialysis machines and equipment. Participants will also learn about best practices for vascular access care, such as maintaining sterile techniques during catheter insertion and ensuring proper care of fistulas and grafts. Additionally, the course highlights the importance of patient education and staff training in reducing infection risks. By completing this course, healthcare providers will be better equipped to implement robust infection prevention strategies, improving patient safety and outcomes in hemodialysis settings.

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Course Content

Meal Planning Basics

  • Lesson one
  • Macronutrients Explained
  • How Much Fat Should You Consume Per Day

Setting Up Your Diet

Adjusting Your Diet For Weigh Loss & Muscle Gains

Common Dieting Trends Explained

Dieting Tips & Strategies

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 1 Rating
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6 years ago
Great clarity in explanations and thoroughly enjoyed the course. I had been working out for quite a while, but a few little things we might miss out from a diet perspective are covered well in detail here.

Especially loved how you structured the entire focus area of dieting into most important ones to lesser ones.